alternativeelectronichip hopmusic reviewsinger/songwriter

DVRZ – Know Your Worth, Find Your Voice, Embrace Your Adulthood

One-man-band DVRZ releases his debut EP, Adulthood,
A coming age record mostly focussing about relationships, my years in college and the stresses put on my family from mental illness.
Blue Hawaii
This title is actually one nice metaphor to describe a perfect paradisaical relationship which would exists only in dreams.
“I imagined the type of love where you really care for someone that has feelings for you, but you know it could never work out between you two.
It’s a gentle way of saying open your eyes and don’t take my caring for you in the wrong way.” Evan say. 
Back to You
“It’s about that one person that will always have your heart and how other people can get hurt and led astray if they try to interfere with that.
Like Andre 3000 said, “hate to see y’all frown but I’d rather see her smiling.” “
The songwriting sounds poetic enough:
After Blue Hawaii, these are purple melancholic lyrics that tell all about expectations of one another in a relationship and,
Honestly exposes the state of mind of a young man not ashamed of what truly gives him a reason to smile back.
The sorrow in the guitar strings are overcome by the light and atmospheric vocals and electronic keys, giving a second wind to the song.


The young boy became young man, and

As we wandering in the lights of the avenues of his adulthood

He follows the melody that helps keep him stepping, that’ll help him relieve the stress of his life:

“Adulthood is extremely personal and came from a place where I felt the only way to relieve the pressures from my life was in the raw and vulnerable situation that hip hop puts you in.

Essentially it’s just my lyrics and the simple beat recounting the challenges from the last 4 years of my life.

It’s hard to self-promote my music:

A lot of people will just assume you have no depth right off the bat,

So I found myself becoming less inclined to share my music freely fearing I wouldn’t be received the way I wanted.

I also had a great band in high school that was playing shows all throughout the Seattle area and it felt like I was giving that up to get my degree and find a job.

Hence, Adulthood was robbing me of my passion and care-free nature.”

Besides, if Evan has decided to reverse 100% of album proceeds to a great charity, this is due to his roller coaster, and other tidal waves and hurricanes he had to front in his Adulthood, trying to make a way, trying to make it right:

“My sister had been in and out of the hospital and that was taking a toll on my family and she was even in the hospital when I was finishing up the record,

So recording the rap was emotional and difficult to get down for me.

It felt like I was really digging deep and that hurts sometimes.” 

This is about a relationship that had recently picked up the pieces and had a new start.
It’s an exciting time where the partners know they need to grow for it to work with each other, but they’re still imagining this ideal relationship of traveling and mutually supporting each other through tough times.
I wanted to end the record on an upbeat note because I do consider myself to be an optimist at heart, but I’m not sure that always comes across.
Music for me is personal, authentic and emotionally expressive so sometimes the deeper and heavier emotions become the topic of the song.

Getting in touch with Evan is a nice meeting indeed, as we in a way share the same vision of music journalism:

His goal with the music journalism was to spread music that he considered meaningful.

“As a musician I felt I could get artists to share a perspective with the audience that most people didn’t know about. […]


I’m inspired by the musicians I interview because […] I find myself reinvigorated by their creative processes and outlook on creativity.
[…] There are a lot of great musicians working so hard out there so its motivating to hear from them. “
Finally, let’s end with a dreamy  note: another dream of his was to play at The Troubadour in LA, the best rock clubs  in West Hollywood, CA.
Afficher l'image d'origine
Thank you Evan for sharing your story with us!

Marcus Gon

Rédacteur en chef de Sounds So Beautiful, et auteur de l’œuvre Poetically Yours. ,Storytelling, ou l'art de conter une histoire, l'effort de véhiculer un message, l'exploit de communiquer une émotion, ou bien encore le miracle d'inspirer et d'influencer. Sounds So Beautiful, founded by writer and musician Marcus Gon, is the international media, specialized in the music industry, working closely with advertisers and public relations, and allowing emerging artists to develop their career. Poetically yours

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